Dr. Joe O'Tool

Listing Joe’s academic studies, degrees, certifications, awards, distinctions, work experience, community services, etc. would take a few long pages alone, which makes it hard to summarize his many talents, interests and abilities, and still painting a whole picture as to who he is.

First and foremost Joe is a loving husband and father of three adorable children. Growing up with seven brothers and one sister Joe values education, knowledge, compassion, genuine concern, responsibility and contribution.

He broadened his horizon in early work and study experiences, such as machine technology, agricultural research, assistance for disabled people, sports coaching, warehouse and shipping, building contracting, management, business, leadership, mentorship, preaching, speaking and teaching. He even taught ESL for a year in Chengdu, China, learning Chinese in turn.

Amateur tri-athlete, football-, basketball player, cross-fitter, self-described ‘movement geek’, and avid reader, Joe passionately studies human movement in theory and practice.

Chiropractic Doctor, Lifestyle Wellness Practitioner and sports coach, Joe has founded Life Stream Chiropractic, a growing local chain, also serving individuals with nutritional and massage therapy and the “Simple Turn to Wellness Program”. His organization is devoted to philanthropic causes, especially the life of children in need, from orphans to victims of sex trafficking and other crimes.

Body Wisdom Students benefit greatly from Joe’s kind heart and his well-rounded expertise and background in the science courses of human anatomy and kinesiology.

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