Oncology & Hospice Massage (16 hours)

Whether at their home, in the hospital-, or in the hospice setting, working with clients suffering from severe illnesses, poses the challenge of what CAN be done, while everything points to what can NOT be done.

This course is designed to provide practitioners with tools of CAN-be-done’s, pass on expertise, and establish confidence. Therapists are taught to comprehend medical concerns and pathological contraindications. They will learn proper positioning, pressure and pace; and understand the importance of adjustments and safe massage modification.

A massage session for a cancer patient needs to correlate with the history of treatment. Furthermore, the practitioner has to know the Physiology of cancer cells and their potential to spread, and whether massage therapy is beneficial or potentially affecting it negatively. They have to work effectively around treatment and medical devices, commonly chemotherapy or radiation, and IV-Ports.

Mindful care is necessary to cater touch to clients with special conditions, considering any contraindications, such as bone cancer or fragile bones, sensory paralysis, lymph note removal and lymphedema, a compromised lymph system, change in blood counts (decreased platelets, decreased white blood cells), vital organ involvement, blood clots, heart - and respiratory conditions, mobility, state of mind, medication, etc.

Objective pressure, appropriate bolstering and truly useful techniques will enable clients of this population to enjoy the treat of massage, and benefit physically, mentally and emotionally.

Further to consider is the role of the patient’s caregivers and family members and how thoughtful communication aids and supports their involvement.

As benefits of massage within the special care and hospice setting are becoming well known to medical professionals and the increasingly health-aware population, the currently high demand for qualified therapists is expected to explode in up-coming years. And while it takes the right mindset to work with medically challenged clients, and possibly their loved ones and professional care takers, it is an immensely rewarding experience and a privilege to touch a life at this stage.

Prerequisites: Therapeutic Massage Levels 1 – 2, Anatomy: Bones & Muscles, Physiology, Pathology or Equivalent