Hospice (Palliative Care) Massage (16 hours)

It is a profound privilege to accompany hospice patients during their precious time as they journey towards the end of life. Being able to contribute to comfort, peace, and ease with dignified touch and communication is a great honor and even further rewarding for the massage therapist.

Empowering practitioners to provide maximum benefits for clients and their loved ones at this pivotal stage in their lives, this compact and comprehensive course is filled with expertise, tools, and resources, including:

  • The role of massage therapy within the philosophy and principles of hospice care
  • Professional & ethical boundaries, confidentiality, and cultural sensitivity and diversity
  • Effective communication with patients, families, friends, and healthcare teams, including active listening and empathy
  • Common symptoms and challenges faced by patients at end-of-life and palliative care principles and symptom management
  • Safety, hygiene, assessment, documentation, and logistics within multiple and diverse hospice settings
  • Gentle touch and comfort-oriented massage techniques considering pain perception in terminally ill patients
  • Adaptation of familiar massage modalities and skills for pain relief and comfort
  • Relaxing techniques to ease emotional distress and anxiety in patients and for their family members and friends
  • Cultural competence to respect the patient’s and their family’s spiritual beliefs and practices
  • Adapt to unique circumstances, including younger, pre-adolescent or pediatric patients
  • Self-care to prevent burnout and compassion fatigue and sustain personal well-being
  • Scope of practice, legalities, collaboration and effective communication with other health care professionals and hospice teams
  • Marketing, networking, and professional organizations

Course Objectives

At the completion of the course, participants will know and be able to:

  • Confidently perform safe and effective care and touch to hospice patients
  • Assess and apply skills that aid in pain management
  • Provide emotional and spiritual support to patients and loved ones
  • Collaborate and communicate effectively with care givers
  • Navigate logistics, settings, and unique circumstances
  • Prepare for successful practice and self-sustaining care

This course serves Massage Therapists and other care professionals, as well as family or friend care givers, and be equally attended by those who seeking a better understanding of the hospice and/or assist with a personal family member or friend hospice patient.

Prerequisites: Therapeutic Massage Levels 1 – 2, Anatomy: Bones & Muscles, Physiology, Pathology or Equivalent

NOTE: This Course combines well with other special Care Track modalities:

  • Oncology & Critical Care Massage

    Empowers therapists to provide safe, effective massage to patients of any age in multiple critical care settings. Participants learn to understand medical conditions, apply bodywork techniques, and communicate effectively with both patients, their families, and medical teams.

  • Geriatric (Elderly) Massage

    Offers comprehensive training in comprehending and addressing the specific needs of the aging client and use hands-on techniques with a compassionate approach. Students part-take in a field trip for real life experience and will be prepared to practice in various settings.

  • Death Doula Certification

    Designed for anyone who wishes to support individuals and families during the final stages of life. Covering a range of sensitive topics including ethical and cultural guidelines, effective communication, and comfort measures, this certification prepares participants to be compassionate and knowledgeable companions for those transitioning from life.